Bonsai Master Todd Schlafer is a long time enthusiast who has been honing his skills under the direction of International Bonsai Master Ryan Neil of Bonsai Mirai. Todd started his Bonsai career under the tutelage of International Bonsai Master Harold Sasaki in Denver, Co.

Todd is an avide collector of Colorado Yamadori. Todd has a website called First Branch Bonsai where he sells some of his pre-bonsai collected trees.

Todd is now a Master Bonsai instructor and is available to teach workshops in the United States.

Bonsai demo by Todd Schlafer by Bonsai Empire

Todd Recently won the American Bonsai Society Finest Native North American Species tree at The 5th US National Bonsai Exhibition.

The 2010 Rocky Mountain Bonsai Society – Bob Kataoka Memorial Award:
Artist of the year – Todd Schlafer


Colorado Blue Spruce – Picea pungens


You may contact Todd via his website or Facebook page.

Here are some photos of Todd’s trees in various stages of development:
