Internationally known yamadori collector and miniture conifer developer/expert Jerry Morris from Colorado gave me a couple of his red grafted Colorado Hawthorns. I have had them for a number of years and the largest one of them started blooming two years ago. There were just a couple of blooms over that time frame. I did see a few bright red fruits until the Robins found them. This year the tree was  in full bloom everywhere on the tree. The tree was given an initial styling and looked pretty good. However after taking some photo’s of the tree, I can see that it is going to need a lot more work. The tree was donated to the Denver Botanic Gardens (DBG) Bonsai collection under the care of International Bonsai Master Larry Jackel. The tree will be planted in a Bill Sample Bonsai pot next spring. Bill Sample is a local Colorado potter. I did not remove any of the large thorns on the tree since I think it gives the tree character and I like being stuck in the hands and fingers. The flowers do seem have a fairly light scent to them. Larry Jackel and I think this tree is just going to keep getting better and better as it gets older. Some day the tree will be out on display at the gardens and it will be nice to see Jerry Morris name associated with tree. Jerry is one the really great people in the world and he deserves credit for this fine tree.

I have a smaller one also from Jerry that will be transplanted into a 15″ anderson pot. The tree will be allowed to grow for a number of years. This tree will be grown into a larger tree then the one donated to the gardens.

DBG Bonsai Curator Larry Jackel has a forest planting of these trees which were provided to him by Jerry Morris.

Crataegus succulenta

Common Names:

Hawthorn, fleshy hawthorn, succulent hawthorn,and round-fruited cockspurthorn

Botanical & Ecological Characteristics:

Crataegus succulenta by Denver Botanic Gardens Note: I believe the tree on the website belongs to Curator Larry Jackel.

Crataegus succulenta by Sienet

Crataegus succulenta by Useful Temperate Plants

Crataegus succulenta by Wikepedia

Crataegus succulenta by Wildflower Center

Crataegus succulenta – (Link.)Schrad. by Plants For A Future

Crataegus succulenta Schrad. ex Link fleshy hawthorn by United States Department of Agriculture Note: use wheel on mouse to zoom in on your state to see what counties in your state the tree grows in.

Fleshy Hawthorn Crataegus succulenta by Leafsnap

Fleshy Hawthorn (Crataegus succulenta) by American Forests Note: Site has the US Champion tree on it.

Hawthorns of Colorado by Western Explorers Note: PDF Document

Bonsai Information:

See Crataegus – Hawthorn Bonsai page.

Finished Trees:

None Known.

Progression Trees:

Crataegus succulenta by Denver Botanic Gardens Note: I believe the tree on the website belongs to Curator Larry Jackel.


Sheffield’s Seed Company
