Colorado Bonsai – “This is my story , Ben Breedlove , a new angel among us”

These videos have nothing to do with Bonsai per say, but I think we can learn from young Ben’s life, tomorrow may never come for some of us. Are we ready for eternity? … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – The Art of Shaping a Bonsai Tree | Short Film Showcase

Nice video by National Geographic on Ryan Neil. … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Bonsai Tree Styling Scots Pine – Heavy Duty!

I have a third video on Scots Pine for you. Just found a great video by Graham Potter one of my favorite artists working on a Pinus Sylvester. I have posted it under Pinus Slyvester under Pines and Conifers. … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Stream Teaser: Pinus Sylvestris

Short video from Bonsai Mirai on Scotts Pine Bonsai. Full video is on Mirai archived section of web site for subscribers. This video shows the progression from the start to first styling and of course is worth watching the transformation. … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Vikings Love Bonsai, Too

Bjorn is in Noraway and here is his latest video with several very nice Pinus Sylvestris trees. … Continue reading →