Jade – Portulacaria make excellant Bonsai trees. Our local club has a member who is one of the leading experts on this species. The thumbnail photo on the left is one of his trees. I took a couple of cuttings home this spring from one of his trees and set them next to the front porch of the house on the ground. A late snow storm came through and covered them both up. I was very surprised to see that they were still alive after the snow melted. They can take cold and survive but if they freeze they will die. Apparently the snow kept them warm! They are prone to get mealy bugs on them. A spray bottle with half water and half rubbing alcohol will kill them. A strong systemic insecticide can also be used and will be more effective and last longer to control them.

I will add more information as I can.

Cork Jade Bonsai with Frank Yee by Eastern Leaf  New 09-24-2019