Bonsai Styles: Exposed-Root – Neagari

by Rocky Mountain Bonsai Society member Stefan Rausch


In this style the roots of the tree are exposed as extensions of the trunk, free from soil. Representing old trees which over time wind and rain have exposed the trees grasp on the earth. In Neagari style the roots can extend as far as one-half to two-thirds the total tree height. Classic rules say to eliminate any crossing roots to show elegance and allow the eye to move freely with the tree from top to bottom with no distractions. Depending on the species tree and growing conditions, periodically remove an inch or so of soil to force the roots to develop bark and to harden off.

Advantages of Neagari

Are the beautiful untamed images of gnarly roots.  Nebari being such a huge part of bonsai our eyes as viewers naturally migrate to the trunk of the tree.  With exposed root style the nebari is expanded and heightened to allow the viewer to see and imagine the harsh conditions in which the tree has survived.  This image is very attractive to the artist and the viewer because of the negative space created within the tree, we almost have a yin and yang image with an exposed root tree, to see the tree canopy thrive and hold strong with thin roots that run high out of a shallow pot gives balance in two areas of the composition.

Disadvantage of Neagari

Is that the roots sometimes have a mind of their own.  When we start to remove soil over time a lot of thicker roots will cross and need to be removed, it will take time to thicken or graft roots that match the image of your tree. This being said it becomes difficult to do with some collected trees which have come off granite slabs or out of sandstone with tons of small feeder roots.  So patience becomes the name of the game, starting exposed root bonsai from seed or cutting allows us to choose roots which we want exposed a little easier.

Most tree species are applicable to exposed root style, if you have the patience.

  • Trident Maple (Acer Buergerianum)
  • Japanese Maple (Acer Palmatum)
  • Beech (Acer Palmatum)
  • Crab Apple (Malus spp)
  • Pomegranate (Punica granatum)
  • Conifers
  • Japanese White Pine (Pinus parviflora)
  • Black Pine (Pinus thunbergii)
  • Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa)
  • Juniper (Juniperus spp)
  • Spruce (Picea spp)
  • Olive (Olea spp)


Stefan Rausch was born and raised in Colorado, growing up hiking, hunting and fishing dominated most of his time ingraining his love for the Rocky Mountains. He started working with all types of plant material at an early age working his way up to a full time position in horticulture at one of Colorado’s most premier country clubs. His brother saw this interest and soon invited him to a local bonsai show, this is where for the first time he saw the possibilities and artistic expression of bonsai and what could be done with local Rocky Mountain material. He is truly passionate about the progression and future of Bonsai as an art form, especially here in the United States. Stefan has been lucky enough to learn first hand from some of the best Yamadori collectors and Bonsai Artists such as Larry Jackel and Harold Sasaki.