This is my first Mountain Mahogany tree that I obtained. I learned quite a few things about the tree after I received. First the older branches are very brittle, the new branches can be wired and moved around if your careful. This does back bud on older wood. I get buds popping out on the main trunk all during the growing season. I did keep one of these new branches and let it grow where every it wanted and by the end of the summers, it was a good size branch and the branch developed sub-branches all on its own. I actually needed a back branch right where the new branch developed.

This tree was originally designed in the fall of 2016 and was wintered at the Denver Botanic Gardens greenhouse. It is spending the /20172018 winter in the my garage. Generally speaking these trees can take very cold weather. I would not trust a newly collected yamadori surviving a winter outdoors.

Bugs do not seem to bother this tree. All though I did see one tree on my property that was being attached by some type of web building caterpillars. Note I used the plural form of the word, there 30-50 of the worms over the tree concentrated in the web they had built.

This tree is abut 10″ tall and maybe 12-14′ wide. The trunk has some really neat deadwood and really older bark. I have not and do not plan do anything with them. There is one taller dead branch the died back on me. I may remove at some point in the future, right now it is being used to anchor another branch.

I will post updates on this tree as it progresses.

Tree deceased spring of 2018, must of missed watering it during the winter.

Gallery date: 03-21-2018