Colorado Bonsai – New Year Thanks

Thank you for visiting this website during the last two years of its existence! The website was started in Oct. of 2016 from nothing and has continually grown with wonderful content to help Bonsai artists of all abilities. 2019 holds … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Preparing Accents for Winter–

Here is another great article by Michael Hagedorn titled “Preparing Accents for Winter-” with great tips on keeping your accent plants alive during the winter. I must admit most of mine do not make during the winter for some reason. … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Winter Care Options-

Michael Hagedorn has a nice article titled “Winter Care Options-” that is full of good tips on caring for your trees in winter. I have placed the article on the Winter Care page shown under Bonsai Basics. Photo courtesy of … Continue reading →