Colorado Bonsai – Watering deciduous bonsai – part 1 and part 2

International Bonsai Master Jonas Dupuich has a new 2 part article titled “Watering deciduous bonsai – part 1 and part 2“. These are great articles on watering your deciduous trees. There like a blue print on watering. A must read … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – RMBS July 2020 Meeting featuring Furuya Stones, Suiskei and Bonsai by Paul Gilbert & Darrell Whitley

The Rocky Mountain Bonsai Society has two new videos titled “RMBS July 2020 Meeting featuring Suiskei and Bonsai by Darrell Whitley” and “RMBS July 2020 Meeting featuring Furuya Stones by Paul Gilbert“. Both Darrell and Paul are very advanced Stone/Suiseki … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Todd Schlafer – Rocky Mountain Juniper time lapse.

The Rocky Mountain Bonsai Society has a new video out titled “Todd Schlafer – Rocky Mountain Juniper time lapse.“. This high quality video features Bonsai Master Todd Schlafer styling a Juniperus scopulorum – Rocky Mountain Juniper time lapse mode.  You … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Broadleaf Bonsai Summer Techniques | Bonsai-U

International Bonsai Master Bjorn Bjorholm has a new video titled “Broadleaf Bonsai Summer Techniques | Bonsai-U“. Bjorn goes over cutting back leaves on trees with alternating leaves and then how to open up the tree so that interior leaves get … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Watering Conifers

International Bonsai Master Jonas Dupuich has a new article out titled “Watering Conifers“. This is an in depth article how and when to water on different species of conifers. This is a must read for owners of Conifers Bonsai trees. … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Forestiera neomexicana – New Mexico Privet – Bonsai Fruit

I have added a new gallery to my Forestiera neomexicana – New Mexico Privet Bonsai page showing Fruit on one of my trees. This is the first time any of my New Mexico Privet trees have born fruit. Right now … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – The Prince and the Prime Minister | Bonsai Network Vidcast

International Bonsai Master Bjorn Bjornholm has a new video out titled “The Prince and the Prime Minister | Bonsai Network Vidcast“. Bjorn and Cameron discuss a hodge podge of topics. I really like these videos as who knows what is … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Bonsai Network Vidcast | Double-Flush Pine Techniques

International Bonsai Master Bjorn Bjornholm has a new video out titled “Bonsai Network Vidcast | Double-Flush Pine Techniques“. Bjorn and his apprentice talk about Double flush pine techniques and other great stuff. The best part of the video is when … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Quiet Bonsai | Sounds from the Workshop – Juniperus monosperma

International Bonsai Master Bjorn Bjorholm has a new video out titled “Quiet Bonsai | Sounds from the Workshop“. “Featuring a One-Seed Juniper, approximately 350 years old.”. There are no words spoken out loud during the entire video, just music and … Continue reading →