Colorado Bonsai – Viburnum leaf beetle

Morton Arboretum has a new article out titled “Viburnum leaf beetle” and a new video out titled “Plant Clinic Tip: Protect Your Viburnums“. Apparently a new beetle is attacking Viburnums. This is good information to have in case your Viburnum … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Viburnum Burkwoodii Bonsai Trees #1, #2 and #3

I have finally made a new page for Viburnum Burkwoodii Bonsai trees. My Burkwoodii Bonsai is one of my oldest trees I purchased. In fact I probably should not have purchased it, but I am glad I did as I … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Classic Viburnum Plant Library (Vendor)

Classic Viburnum Plant Library is a vendor that sells nothing but Viburnum bushes of all varieties. This is a great source to obtain really great starter trees. I have already posted this vendor on the Viburnum Bonsai page, but I … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Mondays at Mirai: Greenhouse Interior Construction

International Bonsai Master Ryan Neil takes us through another installment of “Mondays at Mirai“. The main take away from this video is Ryan’s fascination with helper bee Troy’s rear cleavage. All in all another great Monday video sure to make … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Cercocarpus breviflorus Gray var. breviflorus BonsaiTree #4 Video

This video is a snippet from the Rocky Mountain Bonsai Society 51st Annual Show  video of the walk through of the show by RMBS members and Larry Jackel from the Denver Botanic Gardens Bonsai Pavilion Curator. You can find more information … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – How to Correctly Read Bonsai Heresy-

From International Bonsai Master Michael Hagedorn “How to Correctly Read Bonsai Heresy-“. I am not saying a word, not one word. … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Viburnums for American Gardens: Abbreviated Discussion

Michael Dirr’s Plants has a nice article on different types of Viburnums called “Viburnums for American Gardens: Abbreviated Discussion“. This is a great article describing different viburnums used in landscaping. Viburnums make great Bonsai trees if you can find one … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Rhamnus frangula ‘Asplenifolia’ “Fernleaf” “Buckthorn” #2

I purchased another Rhamnus frangula ‘Asplenifolia’ “Fernleaf” “Buckthorn” a “poor mans Japanese Maple” to use as a Bonsai. I like this tree a lot, it should make a great Bonsai tree in a couple more years of development. If you … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Salix Bebbiana Bonsai – Willow Tree with Deadwood

I have a rather unique Bonsai tree from the Salix – Willow family. It a Salix Bebbiana – Bebb’s Willow with lots of deadwood on it, in fact it is its main feature. This is a rather large wild Yamadori … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Dwarf pussy willow bonsai

International Bonsai Master Jonas Dupuich has a new article out titled “Dwarf pussy willow bonsai“. In this article discusses using Salix – Willow trees for Bonsai, specifically a Pussy Willow. You can sometimes find small – miniature willow trees for … Continue reading →