Colorado Bonsai – Fall cutback and wiring on stewartia

International Bonsai Master Jonas Dupuich has another new article out titled “Fall cutback and wiring on stewartia“. Jonas shows how to cut the tree back after the growing seasons. He provides you with before and after photos to study. I … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Happy Holiday’s

Happy Holiday’s to all where ever you are in the world!! May you always be warm. If you want the video to play continuously start the video then right click on the video and click the “LOOP” option at the … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Options for addressing dieback low on the trunk

International Bonsai Master Jonas Dupuich has a new article out titled “Options for addressing dieback low on the trunk“. In this article Jonas discusses what to do with a dead section of the roots and lower trunk on a large … Continue reading →