Colorado Bonsai – New Tree Vendor Added

I have added a new Tree vendor to the Tree Vendor Page. The new vendor is Eisei-en or International Bonsai Master Bjorn Bjornholm. Bjorn lists trees for sale by Bonsai, Pre-Bonsai and Yamadori. If your looking for a Yamadori tree … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – New Bonsai Pot Vendor

I have added a new Bonsai pot vendor to the Bonsai Pot Vendors page. Eisei-en is the new vendor, you really know them by his name Bjorn Bjorholm. He has a nice selection of Japanese and custom pots for sale. … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Sounds Of The Seasons

I just love guitar music, there is something that is just special about it. I hope you enjoy these renditions of famous songs where ever you are! You can loop this video by right clicking on it after starting the … Continue reading →


The Bonsai Tree blog and Brett Simon have a very nice and informative article out titled “THE FANTASTIC JUNIPERUS PROCUMBENS NANA“. This article is just full of must needed information of using Procumbens Nana as Bonsai trees. Its in depth … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Happy Holidays Where Ever You Are!!

Happy Holidays where ever you are in the world. Here is a little something to brighten up anyone’s day, evening or night! … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Mondays at Mirai: Energy Positive

International Bonsai Master Ryan Neil continues his videos with “Mondays at Mirai: Energy Positive“. This is a great video to watch as we see Ryan actually putting “BARK” on a Pinus Ponderosa – Ponderosa Pine Bonsai tree. Now how often … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – 50th Anniversary Bonsai Exhibition

International Bonsai Master Bill Valavanis has a new article out titled “50th Anniversary Bonsai Exhibition“. Bill photos are courtesy of the Nippon Bonsai Association. There are some really great trees, but the accent plants are what strikes me as the … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – World By Drone

A gentleman by the name of David has a video out titled “World By Drone“. Its a very high quality beautiful video of stunning areas around the world set to music. What a pleasure it is to watch. I thought … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Choosing a Bonsai pot

Bonsai Empire has a new video titled “Choosing a Bonsai pot“. Heike van Gunst stars in the video and does a really great job of explaining how to pick the right pot for your Bonsai Tree. This is a great … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – pH of Water and Soil for Bonsai

Bonsai Empire has a new video out titled “pH of Water and Soil for Bonsai“. The video features International Bonsai Master Peter Warren who discusses the ins and outs of how PH affects your Bonsai trees. PH is a problem … Continue reading →