Grape vines make excellant Bonsai trees if you can find one with a large trunk. I have had 2 Grapes used as Bonsai. The first tree was a Pinot Noir wine grape. I managed to keep this tree alive for several years and then on spring it was dead. Not sure why. The thumbnail photo above is this tree. I purchased another Pinot Noir vine and it had a set back during the winter. I have paid really close attention to this grape and it has responded back with a lot new growth. This grape was styled last year and there were a few branches that died back a little. Right now 6-24-2019 it is growing really well and it bloomed and now has grapes on it. It is still in its growing pot. A friend of mine also purchased a Pinot Noir vine from the same source as mine, his died sometime after getting it. If you do decide to get one your going have to really take good care of it. My 2nd tree gets watered really well, I make sure I go over it several times in a row to make sure all the roots get watered.
Vitis/Grape Bonsai Deadwood Carving by Bonsai4Me New 06-24-2019 Note: Article and Video both.