Colorado Bonsai – Potentilla – Colorado Unknown Species Bonsai

I was wondering around west of I-25 interstate in Colorado looking for moss in the Rocky Mountain front range when I spotted something interesting sticking out of the soil. It looked like a Potentilla which is quite common in the … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Fall Steps: Winter Hazel and Chojubai

International Bonsai Master Michael Hagedorn has a new article out titled “Fall Steps: Winter Hazel and Chojubai“. It is a real treat to read any article on these two species being used for Bonsai as information is hard to find … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Spiraea betulifolia ‘Tor’ Bonsai

This spring I did spot a new bush that looked pretty interesting to me based only on the shape of the leaves. I looked at the tag and it said “betulifolia” which looks like a Birch leaf. Its a Spiraea betulifolia … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Cotoneaster sp. CGG 14016 Bonsai

I discovered a rather interesting Cotoneaster on the Far Reaches Farm website that looked pretty good to me. It seem to be very colorful and it did not grow very tall, more of a creeping style Cotoneaster. I thought one might … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Berberis thunbergii ‘Moretti Select’ Cabernet Bonsai

I was wondering around a nursery early in the sping of 2021 checking out the Barberries and I found a new one that I had not seen before. In fact it was hard to miss this new Barberry has it … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Forestiera neomexicana – New Mexico Privet – Weeping Style Bonsai Update

I am sitting here typing up this update on my Forestiera neomexicana – New Mexico Privet – Weeping Style Bonsai listening to the snap, crackle and pop of a  fire in the fireplace. The only problem with this is I … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Microcentrum rhombifolium – Katydid Insect

I have made a new page for Microcentrum rhombifolium – Katydid Insect. They lay very interesting eggs on your trees. For years I did not know what they were. I did find out latter and I always just remove the … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – A Japanese Larch Becomes a Bonsai

Bonsai Releaf has a new video out titled “A Japanese Larch Becomes a Bonsai“. This is the third video that this young man has produced. All are highly quality videos both for the visual quality and the instructional content in … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Wazakura Japan – New Bonsai Pot Vendor

I have added a new Bonsai Pot Vendor to the website named “Wazakura Japan“. They have primarely Japanese Bonsai pots. I have ordered Bonsai tools from them and I think they are a good company. Donations are being accepted to fund … Continue reading →

Colorado Bonsai – Why is my pine yellow? A black pine troubleshooting guide

International Bonsai Master Jonas Dupuich has a new article out titled “Why is my pine yellow? A black pine troubleshooting guide“. In this article Jonas reviews the many reasons why a Japanese Black Pine Bonsai may have yellow needles. I … Continue reading →